April 5th 2025 Mtg -
South Metro Fire Dist rict
9195 E Mineral Ave
Centennial, CO 80112

$2,000.00 Scholarship for further Education
Scholarship Applicant:
Thank you for your interest in the Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 1106 Scholarship Program.
Your completed application must be submitted to VVA Chapter 1106, PO Box 441291, Aurora, CO 80044 or via electronic submission to:
lgrounds@me.com no later than April 26, 2025.
For the $2,000.00 Scholarship Award, you must be:
Child or grandchild of an active military or military veteran (living or deceased)
Residing in one of these Colorado Counties: Arapahoe, Douglas or Elbert.
Accepted into an accredited college, trade or technical school.
In addition to completing this application and providing supporting documentation (see attached), each applicant must write a 800 word typed essay with references to the sources of your information.
There were two Indochina Wars. They were respectfully known as the First and Second Indochina Wars. The later was ultimately better known as the Vietnam War.
Your Essay should speak to the following:
A chronology of the transition from the First Indochina War to the Second Indochina War (Vietnam War).
What roles did both Cambodia and Laos have on the Vietnam War.
What specific events lead to the United States military entrance into the Vietnam War.
What specific events lead to the departure of the United States military from Vietnam.
What were the effects and repercussions on Vietnam after the withdrawal of the United States military from Vietnam.
Your personal opinions should be clearly indicated in the content of this essay.
You might interview veterans to clarify the issues.
Your application must be completed in its entirety, or it will not be considered.
The top applicant winners will be notified by phone of the scholarship grant.
Winners will also be invited to read their essays at the VVA general meeting and photos will be taken and posted on our website. Non-winners will be notified by letter.
Lou Grounds
Chairperson, Scholarship Committee
Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 1106